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For the Competitive and Pre-Competitive Team, we are very excited to be able to offer a mini "masterclass" with Camille Martens who was an Olympian as a Rhythmic Gymnast and runs the Okanagan RG Stars club out of Vernon (we go to their Queen of Hearts competition in January).
She also has her own equipment business and has offered to do a pop-up shop* with different equipment styles and colours as well as black practice wear, as well as purple tank tops which is another option for the competitive team this year.
*6-8pm Pop-up shop is open in the upper lobby near the entrance, here is their website - save on shipping fees!
5:30 Set-up and regular practice start
6-6:30 Inspirational chat with an Olympian (For everyone)
6:30-7:30 Masterclass (pre-comp can try some, but will be more geared to Competitive team)
7:30-8 Special focus for national stream
This opportunity is covered in your class cost! No extra cost .
Regular practice end times for Tuesday.